Monday, 11 January 2010

The Chinese Temple at Gam Lombok

Despite the colonial Dutch influences throughout the older quarters of Semarang, which include numerous protestant churches and elegant town houses, there is a vibrant Chinese community. This China-town has its own unique street food, of course, but also one of the largest and most impressive temples of the Chinese diaspora in the Far East.

From the moment we set foot inside this busy, working temple complex, it was obvious that this was a place of sanctity. This shot captures the mood perfectly, with the incense sticks wafting their pungent perfume in the morning air. Did you know that we had been planning to visit China? Well for reasons of time and budget, not to mention human rights and Copenhagen-related issues, we're not going.....well, during this trip at any rate. So this spiritual flavour of China will have to suffice.

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